Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's July and I'm in class. I'm also wearing a fleece and a scarf. I don't know which is weirder. I also have to leave a half hour before class starts in order to get there in time. Quite the change from when I would leave my dorm at 9:58 to be at class (hopefully) before 10:07. Class isn't that bad though, it's only the 4 of us in my group which a professor who is really nice.  She talks slow and I can actually understand her, which is almost as exciting.  It's also not that much work, and we get to talk about contemporary chile, which is interesting. Today we talked about Michael Jackson. I feel like everywhere I go that is an important conversation topic.  I think people here miss him more than in the US. I'm not there, so I don't know, but we've definitely talked about him more in the past 5 days than I've ever even thought about him in the past 20 years. 
Yesterday I went to dinner at an Indian restaurant close to my apartment with some people from the summer program. We went at around 7, earlier than any chilean would ever eat dinner. But the biggest mistake we made was to try and go to a restaurant when it was raining.  We walked into this restaurant and it was dark.  We asked if it was open, and technically it was, but because it was raining, none of the waiters or chefs came to work. Apparently, when it rains, Santiago shuts down. The roads flood and no one wants to go anywhere. It wasn't even raining that hard, but apparently it was enough.  We waited about 15 mins, the chef and a waitress came to work, and we ate our dinner.
Big news for today: I bought an adaptor. I brought the wrong ones, so today I went into a store near my apartment and bought one all by myself. The guy behind the counter understood me, and I understood him. It was extremely exciting. It's almost as if I'm starting to understand things! It's also nice out today, I think it's around 55 degrees but it feels warmer. Although it's cold, being winter, I think it's warm. Nothing like a Boston/St. Louis winter. However, I won't really have a full summer until 2010...

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